Are you interested in the TMS Robotics Team? 7th and 8th graders can apply by clicking on the link (headline). All applications are due Wednesday, Oct. 5.
Video Announcement Club Applications Interested 8th graders need to click the link to apply. Applications are due Monday, Sept. 26.
Covid-19 Resources & Information Click on the link (headline) for the most up-to-date information on Covid-19 in our DCS schools.
TMS Softball Camp Softball camp will be held on the TMS softball field August 1-3 from 6-8pm. Click the headline for more information.
Dodgeball Tournament Friday, May 20 TMS Gym After SchoolClick on the headline for a registration packet and more information.
TMS Fundraiser Click on the link (headline) to find out how you can help Tyro Middle School. Thank you for your support!
West Davidson High School Registration 2022-2023 Click on the link (headline) for more information regarding high school registration for rising 9th graders.
Alternative High School Options Please click on the link (headline) for more information regarding applications for DECHS and YVRCA. Applications are due March 18, 2022
Isolation & Quarantine Procedures Click on the link (headline) for videos that will explain DCS Schools Covid procedures.