
Schedules for Fall Sports
General Information:
 Eligibility Information

Middle school athletics are governed by policies from the North Carolina Department of Instruction (NCDPI), the Davidson County
Middle School Conference (DCMSC) and the Davidson County Schools Board of Education.


ELIGIBILITY (please follow link)


If a team member not participating in the game comes onto the playing surface during an event or immediately thereafter to engage in
conflict, that team shall be placed on probation and may not participate until a decision is rendered by the conference.

A student must have no more than 8 absences in the semester prior to the season in order to be eligible. Fall eligibility is based on the 3rd and 4th quarters from the previous spring, and spring eligibility is based on 1st and 2nd quarters from the current academic year.. If absences have been formally waived by the principal, these shall not count toward the total number of absences for eligibility purposes.


A student must have a current health physical within the last 395 days to be eligible for participation.


Documents are also attached to this page regarding Athletic Eligibility.

Click on the links below for physical forms, eligibility information and event permission forms.

If you have further questions please contact Joe Howard: [email protected]

DCS Middle School Athletics Information